About us

Freedom and Solidarity Foundation (FSF) has been established in 2007. Through educational and academically professional activities, we’re seeking to:

Strengthen civic society,
Foster solidarity among people of different generations, genders, social strata, ethnic groups, as well as mutual solidarity in its broader meaning,
Promote social democratic ideas and values,
Strengthen democracy in Latvia and abroad,
Strengthen socially-oriented organizations and other forms of joint civic movement,
Cooperate with ideologically close political parties, associations and foundations in Latvia and abroad.

FSF is primarily focused on organization of various educational events about important up-to-date issues. To achieve its goals, FSF holds discussions, conferences, seminars, lectures and other informative events, as well as publishes related articles on its website and elsewhere. FSF sees academic environment as the main and most fruitful contributor of serious proposals for public governance organizations in order to develop effective and better solutions to improve welfare of the state, to encourage social justice, as well as to form successful and modern society in Latvia.