Category Archives: History

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Latviešu un angļu valodā izdota grāmata “Aprites ekonomika un zaļās darba vietas ES un ārpus tās”

“Ņemot vērā ievērojamo dabas resursu patēriņa un radīto atkritumu apjoma pieaugumu, aprites ekonomikas jēdziens ir kļuvis arvien plašāks gan akadēmiskajās, gan politikas debatēs. Jaunā Eiropas Komisijas aprites ekonomikas tiesību aktu pakete (publicēta 2022. gada marta beigās), kurā, cita starpā, iekļauta arī ekodizaina iniciatīva un ilgtspējīgas

Future Scenarios for the European Union

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Latvia [Friedrich Ebert Foundation], in cooperation with the Freedom and Solidarity Foundation, will organize a discussion on the European Union future to ask the question: “What could be Future Scenarios for the European Union. The goal of the discussion is to share analysis and vision

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The Voice of the Europeans who are not there

With more than half of MEPs returning to their offices, it is tempting to assume that recent European Parliament (EP) elections in Latvia weren’t worth a deeper look into the process and its outcome. EPP has clear mandate from Latvia and even the new MEPs

Brief report on FEPS, FSF and Nordic Council forum “The potential of green economy of Latvia – opportunities and obstacles as learned from Northern European experience” (Riga, September 14, 2012

On September 14, 2012 the forum “The potential of green economy of Latvia – opportunities and obstacles as learned from Northern European experience” took place in Riga, Latvia. Forum was sponsored by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Nordic Council with the support