Category Archives: News

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Latviešu un angļu valodā izdota grāmata “Aprites ekonomika un zaļās darba vietas ES un ārpus tās”

“Ņemot vērā ievērojamo dabas resursu patēriņa un radīto atkritumu apjoma pieaugumu, aprites ekonomikas jēdziens ir kļuvis arvien plašāks gan akadēmiskajās, gan politikas debatēs. Jaunā Eiropas Komisijas aprites ekonomikas tiesību aktu pakete (publicēta 2022. gada marta beigās), kurā, cita starpā, iekļauta arī ekodizaina iniciatīva un ilgtspējīgas

The Circular Economy and Green Jobs in the EU and Beyond

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy and materials. It is a resilient system that is good for business, people and the environment.The Circular Economy and Green Jobs in the EU and Beyond examines what the circular

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Specific actions in the field of housing and social housing in the EU

As of today, the lack of broad societal access to affordable housing is one of the most pertinent issues faced by European States. Deepening, broadening, and updating the pre-existing institutions that provide accessible housing services in various forms, as well as adopting new methodologies for affordable housing, would

Latvian Economy of Growth — how to achieve?

The current Latvian economic and financial policy can only be regarded as partly successful, as it has failed to promote the full national development potential. This fact is demonstrated by statistical data where Latvia ranks among the low-scoring EU and OECD countries in almost all

How to fight Russia state organised propoganda. Research.

Here you can read research and expert articles on how democratic states can protect their values and informative space against authoritarian state propaganda: “Resisting Foreign State Propaganda in the New Information Environment: the case of the EU, Russia, and the Eastern Partnership countries”