Reducing waste in the food sector
Forum, Riga,
Aspāzijas bulvāris 28
Tuesday 6th December 2016
10:30 – 14:30
One third of green house gas emissions comes from the agricultural sector. If we want to look at how to address the environmental degradation of our planet, we need to look further into the food production. Significantly waste from food in Europe and the USA accounts for 40% of what is produced. Consumer awareness is increasing on this issue. It is not only environmentally friendly but also economically more reasonable. France for example introduced a law this year which forbids supermarkets to waste food. There are other initiatives growing in this sector each day.
Taking into account the level of ambition required to reduce global emissions in the next 30 years we need to re-think how our food waste is managed. This debate then needs to involve all levels of the food-chain from producer, through supplier to consumer.
FEPS together with Freedom and Solidarity Foundation therefore plans to organise a seminar on this topic. It will gather together representatives from the production, supply and consumer levels as well as policy-makers and advisers and other stakeholders working in this field. We will look at some country perspectives, including Latvia and other European countries to see what can be done to reduce food waste in production process, in retail (supermarkets, smaller shops, restaurants) and what policy responses could encourage more individuals and households to better manage their food waste. We will look at what is happening at EU level on this issue too.
Forum, Riga,
Tuesday 6th December 2016
10:30 – 14:30
10:00 – 10:30 Registration and coffee
10:30- 10:50
Introduction by representative of Foundation for European Progressive Studies. C. Billingham: Connection between food waste and climate change and some experiences across Europe.
10:50 – 11:50 Food waste at production
E.Labanovskis – Head of BSF and entrepreneur in food sector SIA Kainaiži.
Madara Šinke -senior officer of Department of Environmental Protection, Ministry ot Environmental Protection and Regional Development
11:50-12:50 Food waste management at retail and restaurants
I. Svilāns – Head of cooperative relationship department of retail chain Maxima,
E.Dreibants – owner of restaurant “3 pavāri”
Ernests Zavadskis – Head of food supervision department at State food and Veterinary service.
12:50-13:50 Food consumption from household till municipalities.
A. Pusvilka – NGO Homo Ecos communication manager
Jana Simanovska – Role of municipalities and green procurement as a tool for reducing food waste, Ecodesign competence centre.
Participants also invited to discussion:
Nordic council of ministers TBC
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung TBC
Ministry of agriculture TBC
Latvian green party. TBC
Political party Vienotība- Atis Lejiņš
Social democratic party Harmony. TBC
National union. TBC
Political party “Farmers and greens union” TBC
Trade unions. TBC
NGO “Otra Elpa”